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المقالات Summary Article:Meeting Imam Al-Mahdi (P.B.U.H) between Confirmation and Negation

القسم القسم: الخلاصات الشخص الكاتب: Shiekh Mushtaq Al-Saedy التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٧/٠٢/٠٩ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٢٥٥٨ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article:Meeting Imam Al-Mahdi (P.B.U.H) between Confirmation and Negation

Written by: Shiekh Mushtaq Al-Saedy.
Translated by: Mujtaba Al-Helu

There is an unsettled argument among researchers about the possibility of meeting Imam Al-Mahdi (P.B.U.H) during the era of Occultation. If there is any chance in this regard, would the Imam be seen by himself with the ability to recognize him, or only meeting him unknown? Is it possible for some individuals to recognize him and live with him?
This research discusses all the four possibilities, which are that someone may see him without recognizing his title, or meeting him without recognizing his real identity, or meeting him and identifying him without living with him, or meeting and living with him to give solace to him.
In this regard, all the possibilities are valid, but the quality of the meeting differs according to certain findings as:
The advantage of the meeting.
The need for dissimulation.
The range of the individual›s piety, which is also a relative matter depending on the necessity of that meeting.
As a matter of fact, the claims of meeting would not be believed if it was supported with the accouchement of Ambassadorship.
This research deals with the above mentioned issues in detail.

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