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المقالات Summary Article: Essence of Questioning Mahdism

القسم القسم: الخلاصات الشخص الكاتب: Sheikh Nazar Al Sonbul Al-Qutaify التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٧/٠٢/٠٩ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٢٥٩٣ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article: Essence of Questioning Mahdism

Written by: Sheikh Nazar Al Sonbul Al-Qutaify
Translated by: Mujtaba Al-Helu

Mahdism has been going under various types of questioning. This research aims at dealing with some of the queries posed in this regard. For example, it›s been posed that the mission of Imam Al-Mahdi (P.B.U.H), which is guiding mankind, does not cope with his occultation, since he cannot accomplish his mission accordingly. However, this query cannot hold its validity, since many prophets have experienced the same Occultation, without giving up their missions in guiding people. There is also a classification taken for granted in this regard: that divine proofs are either clear and known, or concealed in Occultation.
The followers of the opposing front also stand on a skeptical ground concerning Imam›s longevity and the possibility of his survival all these centuries. This research has also dealt with this issue by shedding light on the fact that there are several individuals who have been gifted similar longevity. The paper also encounters the case of Jonah, his disappearance, and longevity, as well as the case of Antichrist.
There is a third issue, often posed to discompose Shiism, which is the case of the ‹Occultation Basement›. This research has also discussed this issue, depending on certain replies from our earlier scholars.
The paper has also encountered the fact that people›s attitudes have intervened in prolonging the duration of Imam›s Occultation.

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